Monday, April 2, 2012

7 Factors to consider if you want to 'land' a hit song (Today's Post)

Your music is your number one product/service to the music loving public. You put it out so it can be liked, accepted and bought. This is why you have to put into consideration the end user of the song that you put out. 

I have heard a couple of songs by some upcoming acts and I just wonder if they realise that it’s human beings who would listen to this sh*t (pardon me).  I say this because of the lack of seriousness, low quality and crappiness that is being manifested in this showcase of talent (?).

I listened to a couple of successful songs and that have been tagged ‘hit songs’, and here are a few common factors I found with them. They are:

 Sound:  A potential hit song is good to hear.  You hear a line you want to listen some more.  It captures the attention of the listener.    It could go further to being irresistible and very distracting.  ‘Utopia’ is when your song makes the listener cringe.

All these are based on a good production work, fine arrangement and more.

Communicate: At least say something.  Better still, pass across a message. When there is communication, you will definitely get a response- whether good or bad.  If bad, at least you are being noticed.

Clarity:  On one hand listeners can hear in their minds what you are communicating to them and on the other hand they can actually hear what you sing with their ears.  A lot of upcoming artistes are used to going into the studio to download some gibberish stuff and expecting some rich marketer to come and buy their jargons.  Pweez, marketers are not smiling. They want songs that the people are loving and responding to.

Connection with fans:  Consider your fans when you record or do your song. Remember the song you sing is for human beings to listen to, so remember to relate with them.  You could involve them. I noticed some hit songs are ‘sing along’ songs.   Listeners are more prone to keep for long songs they can relate with.  

Sing: Do actually sing <If you are a singer>. It’s a song, isn’t it?  And if you are a rapper, do rap.  Do it like its being done or do it even better.

You:  There’s nothing more that music lovers would want on your song than ‘you’.  They don’t want another 2face, but you.  They would prefer an original than an imitation.  They would like a unique new sound.  So, be you.   Sing you into the song.   Let feel them you in the song.    Infuse your style.  Show your style. Reveal the stuff you are made of.  Do not hesitate to show your uniqueness.  People want different and unusual.

Deliver right. How you deliver your song will put a good finishing to this potential hit song of yours.  People might just end up liking how you sang the song and not just that it has a message or a hot sound.

Thank you for reading.

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