Monday, July 29, 2013

Introduction: “IT CAN’T HAPPEN TO ME” Syndrome (Optimism Bias).

One may wonder what this has got to do with an investment class but this will be the foundation upon which the security of the future will be built upon. ‘It can’t happen to me syndrome’ or ‘optimism bias’ is that bias that makes a person believe that He or She is at less risk of experiencing a negative event compared to others even when they  are leaving under the same condition.  

Examples are:
A smoker believing that he will not die young as a result of smoking related illness; a young man spending voraciously believing that he can never be broke even when most of the people who had lived such lifestyle ended up broke; a person having unprotected sex believing  that she will not get pregnant.

When talking about optimism bias, it can also be pessimism bias, which means some people believe only negative things will happen to them as such they don’t try to take step or try anything new.  Examples are: believing that you will always be heart broken in every relationship you get into; that this investment will end like the last one and as such there is no need to try; I cannot pass this examination because it looks too difficult.  

While there is more research and evidence suggesting that bias is stronger for positive events, however, different consequences result from both types of event.  Positive events lead to a feeling of well being and self esteem, while that of the negative events lead to consequences involving major risk such as engaging in risky behavior and not taking precautionary measure for safety.

Why do people have such optimism bias when it is obvious that it does a lot of harm than good? These are the factors that can cause a person to be optimistically bias:

1.      Their desired end state:  People are usually carried away with their desired state that they give less attention to the events that is expected to lead to that desired end.  There is always need to ask yourself this: if I continue like this, what will my end possibly be? There is a need to always analyze the event or the lifestyle, so you can come up with an objective conclusion. Religious teachings have also made people to believe that things will always end well (even when this same people don’t even subject themselves to the teaching of the faith, they still believe in the positive ending).

2.      The information they have about themselves: A lot of people just live their lives without having information about their health, their income, their business, their personality, their investment, and so on.  This leads them to live a life of chance.  Living a life without knowledge of the consequences of our actions or inactions tends to make us believe all is well when actually all is not well. Consider a man walking on the street with a high blood pressure without him knowing; just imagine how he will be living his life.

3.     Self enhancement: Optimistic predictions are satisfying and it feels good to think that positive events will always happen. People can control their anxiety and other negative emotions if they believe the issue on ground is going to end in their favor.

In conclusion, it is necessary for us to know that everybody is exposed to positive and negative events or situations in life irrespective of mind disposition, so it is only wise for us to live our lives anticipating this and therefore put up structures that will help us deal with it when it occurs.  The essence of this seminar is to help you put structures that can help in dealing with these occurrences.

Idowu Okungbowa is the Managing Consultant of ‘Fredericks International’, a Human Capital Development and Marketing Consulting Firm. He is a public speaker and he has a great interest in youth development and entertainment. Email:

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