Thursday, April 26, 2012

Music Business Conference: Day 2: The most important factor in your music career - The Fan Factor

A committed fanbase is tantamount to a successful music career. The ‘Fan factor’ is key factor, it cannot be ignored.  You need fans... 

Focus on building a fanbase first and not an industry friend base.  

If you’ve got no fans, which mean no acceptance and no recognition, then there’s no way you can be seen as relevant in the music industry. Who wants to be friends with Mr. nobody? If you command great followership, Mr. top celeb will ‘see’ you…

Focus on launching your music and brand.

You should be doing music. If you are still upcoming you should be doing more music.   Cook more music in the studio- you never know which will ‘blow’ you.  Carefully build your music brand as your career proceeds.   Be more concerned about making your music better and getting it out to the right set of fans.  Be more concerned about how to create a brand identity and how to communicate it to your fans.  Partying and hanging out with the ‘made’ won’t automatically ‘make you’.   When you are on social network sites, you should be spending 80% of that time pushing your music or networking with music business people and not only checking out what celebs are up to.  Don’t waste time staying online for hours drooling over top celeb’s new machines or dates and daydreaming about when it will be your turn.  Yes, check them out and aspire, but don’t waste your time trailing celebs or trying to chat with them online.  Your turn will be when you make that hit.  Do your thing.

To be known, recognized and accepted by the public should be your ultimate goal

This is so that people who are yours may recognize you and connect with you. Think.  Look for unusual ways of getting your music out there. And also, work on getting the needed resources to use the mediums on ground.  When you do have some measure of recognition, start finding out better ways to please and increase them.

Relate with your fans.

Companies want brands (artistes) who can relate with people so as to help communicate their brands also. This is why building and maintaining a fanbase is very essential.   Companies will only put their money on a music brand whose brand personality and music appeals to the target market that they want to reach.

Fan relationship is important.

These companies do their background check no matter what. They want to sell and make more profit and that’s why they ask a music artiste to endorse a product or service. It’s not that they love that music artiste. Nah, it’s strictly business. So your own key business is to …

Please your fans always.  Look for ways to make them happy.

Your business is with your fans. They are your customers. They keep you in business. What will you do without them?  You should find ways to please them and continue to please them. Of course, it is to please them musically. Deliver good and quality material.  Deliver. 


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